Are you looking for ways to get involved in research related to community projects in Orange County? With the help of the RJS training program, UCI researchers are able to make a difference in local organizations from the start. Patricia Flores, Orange County Environmental Justice project director, has seen more than 300 graduate students and professors take part in the series of nine workshops on research and justice that is held annually. In the first two years, 22 graduate students completed 10 community projects. The Orange County Experience is a program that encourages citizens to join and gain valuable experience.
Co-directors offer their expertise as consultants, but their primary goal is to provide the next generation of academic researchers with the opportunity to practice new ways of engaging with the communities in which they study. Youth Service America (YSA) is an organization that works to improve communities by increasing the number and diversity of young people ages 5 to 25 who play a meaningful role. Margaret Goldman, a doctoral student in criminology, law and society at UCI, and Ethan Rubin, a doctoral student in education at UCI, are currently supporting the Communities Organizing for Better Water project. This initiative aims to expand the impact of existing organizations by involving new volunteers in their work and encouraging volunteers to develop their own “do it yourself” projects.
The Orange County Alliance for Community Health Research (OCACHR) was established by the Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences at UCI with an award from the National Institutes of Health. The purpose of this alliance is to create an infrastructure in Orange County that increases the capacity of community organizations and universities to establish health research partnerships. Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County provides opportunities for Irvine youth and adults of all ages to participate with opportunities for individuals and groups of up to 45 members. Project Box volunteers work with a family living in rural poverty in the United States and send boxes with the necessary supplies approximately once a month.
Headquartered in UCI Newkirk Science Center's & Society, the RJS currently supports 10 graduate students as Newkirk fellows. The goal is to make Orange County a safe, healthy, and satisfying place to live, work and play, today and for generations to come, by providing outstanding and cost-effective regional public services. If you are looking for ways to get involved in research related to community projects in Orange County, there are many options available. From working with Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County or Project Box volunteers, to participating in YSA or OCACHR initiatives, there are plenty of ways to make a difference.
With RJS training, UCI researchers can add value to community organizations from the start. Get involved today!.